Day 4: Opposites Attract!

Even the most organized of people have places in their home that they are not exactly proud of. My mom used to call me Martha Stewart when I was growing up. But underneath all of that organizational compulsion there is this need in me to be messy too! Its like  a rebellious thing…It makes me wonder if Martha has a drawer like this?…

(top picture is my drawer)

(bottom picture is my husbands drawer)

SO my idea for the day was to take a picture of my bedroom junk drawer. The dresser has two “his” and “hers” drawers.  They are kinda like valet style, it has a place for rings , it has a removable tray and is covered in black felt so it’s all fancy. :) I was so excited to buy this dresser because I really don’t have a jewelry box and thought it would be so nice to have….So..yeah.. that idea didn’t last long!? lol…

But funnier than that was after showing my husband the picture he just rolled his eyes and smiled. and told me how clean his drawer was…of course I didn’t believe him so I ran in and opened his side of the dresser… the bottom picture is what I found. LOL

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