Day:9 Chip-a-holic

By: amber

Feb 03 2011

Category: Uncategorized

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Sooooo we are now on day 4 of “sofa week” this is what we found under the right side of our sectional!

OK so I know it’ s bad, but hear me out! HEAR ME OUT!! LOL…my name is amber and I am a Chip-a-holic…I love CHIPS! I love them in the morning, I love them on  a sandwich with just mustard and cheese! I put fritos on salads! Honestly I actually have to buy these snack size bags because if I buy an actual family size bag of Ruffles I will bust open a tub of french onion dip and a can of Pepsi and eat the entire bag while watching reruns on netflix!! LOL

Ok here is another confession..When I was in 3rd grade I used to collect snack sized chip bags. They used to sell them at our cafeteria for like a quarter or something. Anyhow everyone would give me their empty chip bags at the end of lunch and I would flatten them out and put them in my back pack and be so excited to get them home! At one point I had an entire card board box FILLED with bags! I loved to lay them out in different patterns. The bags would nearly cover my entire bedroom floor like a colorful foil quilt! LOL Anyhow one day I decided to finally use my collection for something…For my friend Ginger’s birthday I wrapped her birthday gift in my chip bags. I used packing tape to hold all the pieces together and even made sure they were some of my most favorite bags. The wrapping was the talk of the party! and It was the gift that she wanted to open first! I think it took 6 of us and her mom to unwrap that thing!! But it was one of my most favorite memories ever…again…my name is Amber and I’m a Chip-a-holic.

One comment on “Day:9 Chip-a-holic”


    Chip-a-holic :-)

    You’ve always been so trendy.

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