Day 20: Stuck on you!

By: amber

Feb 14 2011

Category: Uncategorized

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When it comes to loading the dishwasher I like to load it with DIRTY dishes… I don’t rinse, or wash or scrub the dishes before I put them in, I just kinda expect the dishwasher to WASH them for me?…well unfortunately our dishwasher is lazy…I am constantly finding dirty dishes in the clean dishes? But I still refuse to rinse the dishes!!!! It’s my pride…I just wont change my habits and that’s final!! LOL

Well today’s load was worse than usual, nearly every glass and bowl I took out had gritty oatmeal all over it…I even started to question rather or not I even started the dang thing! This makes my husband crazy! He is a slight perfectionist when it comes to the kitchen. which is perfect because I despise the kitchen! anyhow he stacks the dishes symmetrically and orderly, and ensures that all of the silverware are facing the same direction and in there own divided slots..I actually enjoy putting the dishwasher away when he does the dishes…it so much easier, than opening the dishwasher and finding  random scrabbled egg encrusted spatulas laying on oatmeal covered sippy cups.

A friend of mine told me that rinsing dishes was actually bad for your dishes! So I had to google that concept…and this is an article that I found!

“Pre-rinsing dishes is a big mistake,” said John Dries, a mechanical engineer and the owner of Dries Engineering, an appliance design consulting company in Louisville, Ky. “People assume that the dishwasher will perform better if you put in cleaner dishes, and that’s not true. Just scrape. Pre-rinsing with hot water is double bad, because you’re pumping water and electricity down the drain.”

It’s actually triple bad, according to Mike Edwards, a senior dishwasher design engineer at BSH Home Appliances in New Bern, N.C. “Dishwasher detergent aggressively goes after food,” Mr. Edwards said, “and if you don’t have food soil in the unit, it attacks the glasses, and they get cloudy,” a process known as etching that can cause permanent damage.

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