Day 23: inside my purse

By: amber

Feb 17 2011

Category: Uncategorized

1 Comment

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Well I must admit this is the cleanest my purse has ever been, only because it’s new and I haven’t had a lot of time to junk it up.  Usually it’s stuffed full of old receipts, food crumbs, sippy cups, smashed half eaten granola bars, broken necklaces and fast food straws…Yes straws, I have a weird addiction to straws! My purse is usually filled with a hand full from Starbucks. (I always grab a few extra anytime I go inside) but my favorite straws are the ones from subway because they come in a plastic wrapping so they tend to last in my purse the longest! anywho, the reason I like to have fast food straws in my purse is 2 reasons… I hate when I go to a restaurant and they hand me a drink that already has a straw in the drink!! That freaks me out! WHO knows who touched it before it went it my drink?…it just creeps me out!! So I take that “tainted” straw out and replace it with a clean wrapped straw from my purse! The other reason is if I have to stop off at a gas station and grab a Red Bull or can of soda I can’t drink it without a straw…It’s another germ thing, but the idea of putting my lips on a can that countless numbers of people touched grosses me out!…yes, I’m weird but dang it I think it’s time for me to admit somthing…My name is Amber… and I feel comforted by wrapped straws! LOL

Ps. Thank you for the blog request Julie ;) x/o!!

One comment on “Day 23: inside my purse”

  1. LOL so funny I have the same OCD about drinking out of redbull cans! I usually have to spring clean my purses too!

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