Day 27: Mommy’s makeup

By: amber

Feb 21 2011

Category: Uncategorized

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My makeup case reminds me a lot of my  first day of school.. allow me explain. You know how on the first day of school you have all new pencils and paper and you swear to yourself that “this year I am going to be super organized!” You start the week out strong, but before you know it you have lent out all of your new pencils. You start noticing  cookie crumbs and split soda in your backpack and now it’s all over your new folders and textbooks. Now you find yourself bumming paper from strangers and asking the teachers for an extension on assignments. So much for staying  organized. The relevance? Well that’s how my makeup case starts out, all nice and new and fresh. I have the best of intentions to keep is clean and organized! But like the second week of school it always takes a turn for the worst. I start finding eyeliner pencil shavings mixed with bobby pins and and broken hair-ties. Soon after that I start noticing that I all of my clean makeup bottles are turning brown and black from the spilled eyeshadow! Eventually I have to bust out a Clorox wipe and give everything a good scrub, and that’s when I notice the random  memento from my son that makes me stop and smile, because I know that little airplane laying in my makeup case really means “I love you mommy”

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